Blog/ Recipes

Gluten Free Valentine Hearts


  • 1.8 kg sheet of Gluten-Free and Lactose-Free Marble Cake from La Granja Foods, click here to buy it.
  • Extra vineyard peach jam from La Fageda, click here to buy it.
  • 500 g of special melting chocolate*
  • 2 tablespoons of coconut oil*
  • Toppings of your choice: sugar hearts, shredded coconut…

We recommend using a heart-shaped mold.

All ingredients are gluten-free


  1. Start by opening the 1.8 kg sheet of gluten-free and lactose-free marble cake from La Granja Foods. Using a heart-shaped mold, cut heart shapes out of the cake and place them on a plate. If you don’t have a heart-shaped mold, here’s a trick: draw a heart on a blank sheet of paper, cut it out, and use it as a guide to cut the cake into a perfect shape.
  2. Next, slice each heart in half with a knife and spread a layer of extra vineyard peach jam from La Fageda between the two halves. Reassemble them to maintain their original shape.
  3. Now, melt the chocolate using a bain-marie or microwave. Once melted, stir it well with a spoon or spatula to avoid lumps and achieve a smooth texture.
  4. When the chocolate is ready, completely coat the hearts with it. Let them rest in the fridge until the chocolate solidifies.
  5. Finally, decorate the chocolate hearts as you like. In our recipe, we added sugar toppings to give them a special touch.
  6. Now it’s time to enjoy La Granja Foods!
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Traditional gluten and lactose free marble sponge cake