Valentine’s Heart Gift Set


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Valentine’s Heart Gift Set

Valentine’s Heart Gift Set
Home . Products . Valentine's Day

Valentine’s Heart Gift Set

La Granja Foods celebra el San Valentín con este lote perfecto para regalar un detalle en forma de corazón. El lote se compone de una caja en forma de corazón envuelto con papel de seda, e incorpora una porción individual del Bizcocho Tradicional Mármol junto con una Piruleta de chocolate belga en tamaño grande .

La piruleta de corazón grande es de chocolate belga y lleva el escrito "Love" hecho a mano con manga pastelera y chocolate blanco, si desea la palabra en otro idioma como el castellano o el catalán no dude en escribirnos un correo y le entregaremos la piruleta en el idioma que desea.

Cada día las piruletas se fabrican en el obrador artesano, hechos a mano una a una a través de un molde, para poder servir el producto con la mayor calidad y con el intenso sabor del chocolate gourmet.

  • Elaborados en una pastelería artesanal
  • Elaborados con chocolate gourmet
  • Elaborados con cobertura de chocolate belga
  • Alto contenido de manteca de cacao
  • Hechos a mano uno a uno
  • Elaborados diariamente
  • Con los mejores ingredientes y de máxima calidad


Icon clock


1/2 business days

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purchases over €25

What makes the difference
Our origin lies in the most home-made and familiar production, which has undoubtedly marked us since then by maintaining a strong personal commitment to giving the best to all those who choose us.

Valentine’s Heart Gift Set. Since day one, crafting products to the best of our ability and ensuring great taste has been an unwavering value for us.

In 1954, our grandparents owned a small store next to their little chicken farm. They sold eggs and a variety of other goods to the local neighborhood. One day, the store ran out of supplies for their most popular product: Magdalenas (Spanish muffins). To satisfy their customers, our grandmother decided to bake her own recipe for Magdalenas in her home kitchen. The enormous success of her recipe surprised everyone, and sales grew more and more. This is how La Granja was born, and we learned something that we always keep in mind: to work hard and do everything to the best of our ability to satisfy our customers.

This is how we started with the first traditional specialties that introduced us to the market, and we’ve continued to build on that by continuously adding new innovations to our range.

Anticipating the needs and desires of consumers has made us a benchmark for quality and innovation in the food industry. In the 1980s, La Granja became a pioneer by creating specialties catering to various dietary needs, which today are part of our Diet range.

Later, we launched the Bio range, which uses only ingredients from organic farming. Following this line, we introduced the Vegan range for strictly vegan consumption, as well as Gluten-Free and Lactose-Free products, which are produced separately from other products.

Cómo disfrutar de San Valentín con La Granja Foods
Valentine's Day Gluten Free Box Lot
Discover Valentine's lollipops

In the “Valentine’s Day” section you can find heart-shaped Belgian chocolate covered lollipops from €1.90! Take advantage and receive it at home in 24-48 hours.

Valentine's Day Gluten Free Box Lot
The mini chocolates, the best gift!

The Mini Bombón Cupcakes are the perfect gift for this Valentine’s Day along with some of our special products created for this special day!

Valentine's Day Gluten Free Box Lot
Valentine's Day Crafts

We encourage you to download this Valentine’s Day greeting, you can find it on our blog. It’s as easy as downloading it, printing it and cutting it to add it to your details for the big day. Click and we will direct you to the blog.

Frequently Asked Questions
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What is IFS FOOD certification?

At La Granja Foods, we have the IFS 2023 certificate with a High Level result, and we have now achieved the IFS certification for 9 consecutive years.

IFS Food is a food safety standard recognized by the Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI) for auditing companies engaged in food manufacturing. It also applies to companies that handle and package bulk food products, focusing on the quality and food safety of processed products.

La Granja Foods and Social Responsibility

Since its origins, La Granja has been particularly aware and committed to the integration of people with functional diversity.

This is why we collaborate with organizations dedicated to helping people with disabilities or special needs.

La Granja has been collaborating with the L’Espiga Foundation of Vilafranca del Penedès since its creation in 1991. The aim of this local entity is to promote assistance, education, and both general and specific training, as well as any activity that favors the social inclusion of people with disabilities. (fundaciolespiga) La Granja regularly collaborates with the Pro-Penedès Foundation, which focuses on the social and economic promotion of the region by carrying out, among other activities, labor integration actions for people with any type of physical, mental, or sensory disability and at risk of social exclusion. Another of La Granja’s collaboration initiatives is with the cooperative group of social entities and companies Entrem-hi, specifically in the program Junts Trenquem el Cercle! With the support of the Obra Social La Caixa and managed thanks to a financial fund with contributions from a network of supportive and committed companies in training, this program encourages the completion of work placements and the hiring of people at risk of exclusion. La Granja is one of the companies involved.

Valentine’s Heart Gift Set
100% recyclable packaging
Following the philosophy of sustainability that characterizes our brand. All our packaging is 100% recyclable.
Solar panels
At La Granja Foods more than 40% of the electrical energy comes from solar energy, thanks to the installation of 249 400WP modules, where the total power that can be obtained is 99.6 KWP.
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