Gluten free Wafer with cocoa


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Gluten free Wafer with cocoa

Gluten free Wafer with cocoa
Home . Products . Friendly brands

Gluten free Wafer with cocoa

Sant Tirs gluten free cocoa wafers
We could be talking about one of the best products of the house Sant Tirs, the union of the gluten-free wafer with its coating has been a success. Flavors, textures and aromas have been rounded, giving way to a product that can be the star of desserts and extend its consumption throughout the year.

We could be talking about one of the best products of Sant Tirs house, the union of the gluten-free wafer with its coating has been a success. Flavors, textures and aromas have been rounded, giving way to a product that can be the star of desserts and extend its consumption throughout the year.

But... What is Sant Tirs?

In 1985 Miquel Romeu and his wife, Enriqueta Ferreres, started their business adventure. The couple used to travel to Ribera de Urgellet, in the Pla de Sant Tirs, where they would savor the delicious handmade wafers made in the town's bakery. Pursuing a romantic dream, they decided to buy that artisan workshop and found Barquillos Artesanos Sant Tirs.

It was clear to them: they would modernize the production systems, but they would be faithful to the roots of the craft that captivated them. They would maintain the artisanal production and the use of natural ingredients, which make these wafers unique.

"At Sant Tirs we have adapted the production process to the product, and not the other way around, to maintain the essence and quality, with a yearning for continuous improvement"

"Wafers don't have any secrets. Those of Sant Tirs do."

  • Gluten Free
  • Nut Free
  • Gourmet black cocoa toppings
  • With the best ingredients and of the highest quality.
  • Elaborated in an artisan way
  • Handmade


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What makes the difference
Our origin lies in the most home-made and familiar production, which has undoubtedly marked us since then by maintaining a strong personal commitment to giving the best to all those who choose us.

Gluten free range

Gluten free Wafer with cocoa from Sant Tirs. In 1985 Miquel Romeu and his wife, Enriqueta Ferreres, started their business adventure. The couple used to travel to Ribera de Urgellet, in Pla de Sant Tirs, where they made the delicious handmade neules in the village's bakery. Pursuing a romantic dream, they decided to buy this artisan workshop and found Neules Artesanes Sant Tirs.

It was clear to them: they were going to modernize the production systems, but they would be faithful to the roots of the craft that had captivated them. They would maintain the artisan elaboration and the use of natural ingredients, which make these neules unique.

In 2002, the company grew so much that a change of location was necessary. Neules Sant Tirs is installed in Puig-reig, Berguedà, where it is still actively working today. The investment in machinery and the increase of the productivity has made them, little by little, bigger. Currently, Miquel and Enriqueta's son, Quim, assures the continuity of the company with his involvement in a project that is no longer just for two.

Frequently Asked Questions
Ipsum occaecat vehicula pretium omnis commodi ab excepturi ex, ligula

What is the shelf life of this product?

The shelf life of this product is 12 months. Store in a cool, dry place, protected from direct light.

Are Sant Tirs gluten-free wafers safe and suitable for coeliacs?

Sant Tirs gluten-free wafers contain less than 20 ppm of gluten, a parameter established by current regulations as the limit for a food to be suitable and safe for coeliacs and gluten intolerant people.

Gluten free Wafer with cocoa
100% recyclable packaging
Following the philosophy of sustainability that characterizes our brand. All our packaging is 100% recyclable.
Solar panels
At La Granja Foods more than 40% of the electrical energy comes from solar energy, thanks to the installation of 249 400WP modules, where the total power that can be obtained is 99.6 KWP.
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