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About us. CSR

Values we are committed to

Willingness to be socially committed

An achievement we feel very proud of is having turned La Granja into an effective instrument to implement our founding social commitment.


Sensitivity towards welfare and work integration

Awareness of wellbeing and labour integration of all the people in our environment has led La Granja to now participate in diverse social organisations, being a highly active member locally, having received much recognition due to this.

Social responsibility

Our social responsibility begins with our products, by responding for their food safety and quality, and from these this spreads two the rest of the fields.
Among these, we emphasise the respect for the environment embodied in all our activity and strong professional and ethic commitment to our workers, collaborators and clients.

Integration of people with functional diversity

From its origins, La Granja has been especially aware and sensitive to integrating people with functional diversity.
Due to this, we collaborate with companies dedicated to help persons with disabilities or special needs.

La Granja has collaborated with Fundació L’Espiga de Vilafranca del Penedès since it was created in 1991. The object of this entity in our local environment is to promote assistance, teaching and generic and specific training, and in general, any activity that favours social inclusion of persons with disability (www.fundaciolespiga.com).

La Granja regularly cooperates with Fundació Pro-Penedès that seeks social and economic promotion of the county, performing, among others, labour insertion actions with persons who have any kind of physical, mental or sensorial disability and who are at risk of social exclusion. Another of the means of collaboration by La Granja is that with the cooperative group of social entities and companies Entrem-hi, specifically in the programme Junts Trenquem el Cercle!

With support by Obra Social La Caixa and managed thanks to an economic fund with contributions to a solidarity-based corporate network committed to training, it boosts performance of workplace internships and hiring of persons at risk of exclusion. La Granja is among the companies involved.

On the other hand and whenever possible, La Granja collaborates with projects and initiatives for labour insertion of people who have difficulties to enter the labour market, or at risk of social exclusion such as, for example, collaborating in programmes managed by the Regional Council of l’Alt Penedès and the town councils in the county.

A no less important collaboration by La Granja is its daily delivery of products to charitable associations in the area, such as those managed by the Food Bank or Cáritas, among others, as well as in all kinds of sporting events for charitable ends.

Over the years, La Granja has earned diverse awards, both for its entrepreneurial performance, as well as its involvement in social matters. Some of the most noteworthy recent ones are:

  • Award for Entrepreneurial Growth in Innovation 2018, granted during the IV Nit del Gourmet, organised by Clúster Gourmet of Catalonia.
  • Corporate Special Prize 2017 awarded by Federació Empresarial del Gran Penedès.
  • Award for the Best Initiative in Corporate Social Responsibility 2016 by Unió Empresarial del Penedès.
  • Incorpora Prize 2015 in the medium sized company category, granted by La Caixa Social Work for labour integration of vulnerable groups.
  • Good Social Responsibility Practices 2014: inclusion of La Granja among the 20 small and medium sized companies by the body Respon.cat that promotes SCR among Catalan companies.
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